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Tuesday 25 October 2016

The SA Taxi Foundation Art Award

This sounds like a very interesting competition. The closing date is 13 February 2017, so it could be a holiday project.

LINK to website

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Monday 29 August 2016

Grade12 Trials Practical exam - Self-evaluation

Please make sure that this self-evaluation has been completed by Friday 2nd September 2016.

LINK to this

Grade 11 Sourcebook HOME - self-evaluation

Please make sure that this self-evaluation has been completed by Friday 2nd September 2016.

LINK to this

Friday 19 August 2016

Karla Nixon exhibition

My work explores transience within urban spaces. It attempts to interrogate dichotomies such as construction and destruction, life and death, man made and nature, development and deterioration and the tensions created by these dichotomies. My exploration is an endeavour to understand my reality, my existence. To do this, I found refuge through examining transience and these contradictions.

Paper is central to my practice because of its fragility, it’s everyday usage, it’s re-cyclability, and because it is one of the most consumable commodities of our time. I make use of it as my primary medium whether it is cut, embossed or sculpted. This choice of medium refers to the fragility of the transient state of our lives and our environment. The more the paper is cut into the more fragile it becomes.

The imagery I use is drawn from my surroundings, mostly referencing construction sites, often in conjunction with natural forms. I have focused on construction because of its brutality and beauty. For me, construction and the processes around it are an apt subject matter to use as metaphor for the complexities of life’s transience. The process (of building) is often far more interesting than the goal or completed work itself, which in this context works as a truism to life.

Monday 1 August 2016

The City and The City: Kendall Buster’s ‘dis-assembling utopia’

For my Grade 12s ...
The ArtThrob e-Magazine has wonderful articles to improve your writing mark and to help your brainstorming.
It is free! 


Thursday 28 July 2016

Shanty Megastructures - Lekan Jeyifo

For the Grade 11s and 12s....

I was blown away by these images of  an future African urban landscape ... a somewhat dystopian vision though.
Read the article and consider this futurist theme when investigating ideas of HOME and also MAYHEM & MOVEMENT.

The movement towards chaos and disorder often results in a dystopian vision of the future, as humans (usually) strive to order their lives in the opposite direction.

You could easily use Mixed Media &/OR Photoshop to create your own imagined informal settlement landscapes.

LINK to the article.....
LINK to another article

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Grade 11 June Exam Memo resource

LINK to your June Exam Memo. 

Rain Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway by Joseph Mallord William Turner, England, 1844
You are expected to KNOW the work discussed in this memo for your final Exam at the end of this year. It is a resource for you to use.

Grade 9 perspective drawings

Last year the Grade 9s worked on drawing Durban buildings in collaboration with a school in England.
The most important skill learnt was to create an illusion of the building existing in space.
We call this ‘Perspective drawing’.

You can log onto your Classroom to find this term's work and your resources. You MUST use the Slide template given there.