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Friday 11 March 2016

Grade 10 - Shape & Form

For the Grade 10s .........

Now that we have finished our introductory List Poem, we will start making our own 'textbooks' where we research, experiment and construct our own knowledge. We call these books - 'source-books'- and each one is unique.

Rosa Ballentine's Gr10 Ceramic sourcebook page
Here is a presentation LINK to guide you through your first topic - SHAPE & FORM.
Normally a source-book (which is Learning Outcome 1) will take 4 weeks and be worth 50 marks. However, we will include small art works (Learning Outcome 2) INTO our source-books in grade 10, so it will be worth 100 marks and will be for your Term2 assessment.

Grade 10 Illusionism in Art

Willendorf Venus, Austria,
c.39,OOO - 28,OOO BCE
Limestone carving; Height (12cm)

For the Grade 10s......

This post should be used together with the DVD -'How Art Made the World - More Human than Human' (BBC). If you missed this, then borrow it from your teacher or download it. LINK to website can be found here....

LINK to the DVD (hopefully not blocked) can also be found on YouTube.

Just as we have been exploring 3-D illusionism in our practical work, so we will look at how other artists have worked both in real 3-dimensions and with the illusion of 3-dimensions during the long history of art.
The Milkmaid (interactive link) 
c. 1658-1661 
Oil on canvas (45.5 x 41 cm)

Use this presentation to follow the steps from the Willendorf Venus to the Baroque Milkmaid.

Here is another interesting LINK to Jon Baker's thoughts on this DVD.