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Tuesday 25 October 2016

The SA Taxi Foundation Art Award

This sounds like a very interesting competition. The closing date is 13 February 2017, so it could be a holiday project.

LINK to website

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Monday 29 August 2016

Grade12 Trials Practical exam - Self-evaluation

Please make sure that this self-evaluation has been completed by Friday 2nd September 2016.

LINK to this

Grade 11 Sourcebook HOME - self-evaluation

Please make sure that this self-evaluation has been completed by Friday 2nd September 2016.

LINK to this

Friday 19 August 2016

Karla Nixon exhibition

My work explores transience within urban spaces. It attempts to interrogate dichotomies such as construction and destruction, life and death, man made and nature, development and deterioration and the tensions created by these dichotomies. My exploration is an endeavour to understand my reality, my existence. To do this, I found refuge through examining transience and these contradictions.

Paper is central to my practice because of its fragility, it’s everyday usage, it’s re-cyclability, and because it is one of the most consumable commodities of our time. I make use of it as my primary medium whether it is cut, embossed or sculpted. This choice of medium refers to the fragility of the transient state of our lives and our environment. The more the paper is cut into the more fragile it becomes.

The imagery I use is drawn from my surroundings, mostly referencing construction sites, often in conjunction with natural forms. I have focused on construction because of its brutality and beauty. For me, construction and the processes around it are an apt subject matter to use as metaphor for the complexities of life’s transience. The process (of building) is often far more interesting than the goal or completed work itself, which in this context works as a truism to life.

Monday 1 August 2016

The City and The City: Kendall Buster’s ‘dis-assembling utopia’

For my Grade 12s ...
The ArtThrob e-Magazine has wonderful articles to improve your writing mark and to help your brainstorming.
It is free! 


Thursday 28 July 2016

Shanty Megastructures - Lekan Jeyifo

For the Grade 11s and 12s....

I was blown away by these images of  an future African urban landscape ... a somewhat dystopian vision though.
Read the article and consider this futurist theme when investigating ideas of HOME and also MAYHEM & MOVEMENT.

The movement towards chaos and disorder often results in a dystopian vision of the future, as humans (usually) strive to order their lives in the opposite direction.

You could easily use Mixed Media &/OR Photoshop to create your own imagined informal settlement landscapes.

LINK to the article.....
LINK to another article

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Grade 11 June Exam Memo resource

LINK to your June Exam Memo. 

Rain Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway by Joseph Mallord William Turner, England, 1844
You are expected to KNOW the work discussed in this memo for your final Exam at the end of this year. It is a resource for you to use.

Grade 9 perspective drawings

Last year the Grade 9s worked on drawing Durban buildings in collaboration with a school in England.
The most important skill learnt was to create an illusion of the building existing in space.
We call this ‘Perspective drawing’.

You can log onto your Classroom to find this term's work and your resources. You MUST use the Slide template given there.

Grade 9 Creature evaluation

LINK to your self-evaluation.


Sunday 17 July 2016

Practical Assessment Task 3 [Term 3 - 2016] Topic A: The sourcebook

Grade 11 .......

Topic A: The sourcebook

The theme for PAT3 is taken from a past National Matric Practical Exam paper, BUT it also has special relevance to both your teachers. Mrs Moore took part in a special group exhibition at the KZNSA Gallery - entitled 'HOME', and Miss de Vries worked extensively on this theme for her Master's dissertation.

The resources for this PAT can be found in your Classroom and the links can also be found below:

Thursday 2 June 2016

Grade 10 May Practical Exam self-evaluation

The practice of doing self and peer- evaluations teaches you critical thinking skills and the ability to self-reflect on your work.
Use this LINK.
You do not have to log in. 

Thursday 26 May 2016

Grade 8 Term 2

Here is the LINK to your Project Book with extra illustrations.

Another LINK is to the tutorial on pencil crayons.

Your third LINK is to portrait drawing with pencil crayons.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Self evaluation - Grade 11 May practical exam

Please complete your self evaluation by using this LINK

You do not have to log on.

Self evaluation Grade 12 PAT2 Final artwork

Please do your self evaluation here so that we can begin marking?

LINK to form

Monday 16 May 2016

Self evaluation - Grade 12 June Exam

Will all Grade 12s complete this so your teachers can start their evaluation?

LINK to your gForm

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Grade 8 Term 2 2016


Please follow this LINK to see your new presentation.

This is basically the same as your booklet, but with interesting add-ons as well.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Grade 11 Self-evaluation for SOURCEBOOK - Term 2

Follow this LINK to evaluate your source book. You can do this as a way of checking your content... I will accept the last timestamped entry.
This form works for both PAT themes set for Term 2.


Sunday 1 May 2016

Final exhibition of artwork

Our participants displayed their work in the 2nd floor foyer on the final day of the festival - despite a hectic wind storm that undid a lot of hard work! The teachers and facilitators also put up their work for the public to view.

Participants used this SWOT analysis tool to assess their own work, and to see how the experiments tried could be used in future work.

NGSF - artists at work Day2

Have a look at our visiting artists and teachers in the studios at Durban GHS during the NGS Festival.

Thursday 28 April 2016

National Girls' School Festival - Day 1

Whew! A busy start ...

Odette Tolksdorf treated us to an inspiring presentation on Textile and Fabric Art. 
LINK to presentation.
Her focus was on the value of women's work and our theme is 'West meets East in Africa'.

Ten work stations provided a wealth of different techniques for people to try.
LINK to the work stations.

Some candid camera shots .....






Wednesday 27 April 2016

Starch resist painting on fabric

Starch resist painting on fabric


 You can add another layer of flour paste.
The places where you put the flour paste will preserve the color underneath. Then let it dry.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Grade 11 Term 2 PAT themes

Please find all these resources in your Google Classroom as well.
Your source book is DUE on the 3rd May. We start working on your Final on that day.

LINK to the Scared & the Profane PAT theme

LINK to the Woolworths Bright Ideas theme

Design can be found anywhere! Here is a  magazine article that says just that........
to Design Indaba

Gilberto Tethere designed a zero-energy cooling silo

Grade 9 - Grotesque Creatures

Temporary post ......

LINK to the past post on Grotesque Creatures.

Here are more links to sites on the Internet for tutorials:

LINK - How to draw a Griffon

LINK - How to draw another Griffon!

LINK - How to draw a Chimera

Here are some links to YouTube videos as well:



Sunday 3 April 2016

Grade 9 Visual Literacy project

How do we perceive beauty in art?
This activity is for Visual Literacy and looks at the study of beauty - called 'aesthetics'. 

We will first learn to look carefully at an artwork and then secondly to research it, think about it, formulate and answer questions about what we see and think.
Lastly we will put this all together in an interesting way.
We call this sequence - 'analyzing' an artwork. 

  • You will work in groups that your teacher will allocate.
  • The learner who is first in the alphabet will set up a research slideshow in Google Slides and share it with her group. 
  • Discuss the 'beauty' and stereotypes of beauty - Princess Sofia' - you see here in your group by using the 'Comments' function on the top right on the Slide screen.

Link to Sofia article

Here is a very interesting article on Baby-face Bias which may influence your thinking....... LINK

"Baby-face characteristics include round features, large eyes, small noses, high foreheads, and short chins. Super-neonatal and super-mature features are usually only found in cartoon characters and mythic creatures. Baby-face features correlate with perceptions of helplessness and innocence, whereas mature features correlate with perceptions of knowledge and authority."

Mrs Hellmann made an interesting presentation on application examples of this 'baby-face bias' - have a look!

Miss de Vries collected these interesting images of other Disney princesses - have a look! HERE

And another one...... HERE

This chart method helps you think ......but now you need to write this up as an article. Please write using full sentences, good spelling and punctuation. Explain what you mean so that readers can understand you.

What do you see?
What could it mean? (read the research!)
Substantiate your thinking.

Activity 1:
Open your own Google Doc in Google Classroom and write an analysis of Princess Sofia.

Aim for at least 300 words.

You may copy and paste pictures and your references.

Please BEWARE of plagiarism (not using your own words) even if you started by working in a group.

Activity 2:
Write an analysis of 'Oh Yes Girl ...'
Your teacher will tell you how to hand this in.

Link to 'Oh Yes Girl.......'

Link to Tatham Art Gallery

Link to Assessment Rubric

Jane Alexander - Oh Yes Girl.......(3-D)

Friday 11 March 2016

Grade 10 - Shape & Form

For the Grade 10s .........

Now that we have finished our introductory List Poem, we will start making our own 'textbooks' where we research, experiment and construct our own knowledge. We call these books - 'source-books'- and each one is unique.

Rosa Ballentine's Gr10 Ceramic sourcebook page
Here is a presentation LINK to guide you through your first topic - SHAPE & FORM.
Normally a source-book (which is Learning Outcome 1) will take 4 weeks and be worth 50 marks. However, we will include small art works (Learning Outcome 2) INTO our source-books in grade 10, so it will be worth 100 marks and will be for your Term2 assessment.

Grade 10 Illusionism in Art

Willendorf Venus, Austria,
c.39,OOO - 28,OOO BCE
Limestone carving; Height (12cm)

For the Grade 10s......

This post should be used together with the DVD -'How Art Made the World - More Human than Human' (BBC). If you missed this, then borrow it from your teacher or download it. LINK to website can be found here....

LINK to the DVD (hopefully not blocked) can also be found on YouTube.

Just as we have been exploring 3-D illusionism in our practical work, so we will look at how other artists have worked both in real 3-dimensions and with the illusion of 3-dimensions during the long history of art.
The Milkmaid (interactive link) 
c. 1658-1661 
Oil on canvas (45.5 x 41 cm)

Use this presentation to follow the steps from the Willendorf Venus to the Baroque Milkmaid.

Here is another interesting LINK to Jon Baker's thoughts on this DVD.

Monday 22 February 2016

Woolworths Bright Ideas 2016

Here is the LINK to the presentation for your PAT 2
- for Term 2

Friday 19 February 2016

Grade 12 - self evaluation of your Fragility Final

For the Grade 12s ...

You may do this evaluation as often as you like to help finish off your Fragility final work. I will use the LAST timestamped evaluation and delete the rest.
This final evaluation must be completed by the 4th March.

LINK to form

Geopolitical Child Watches Birth of New Human by Salvador Dali 1943

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Leaf skeletons

Thanks to Kaylé Bowes for her tutorial on skeletonizing leaves .....
LINK to tutorial

Friday 5 February 2016

Grade 9 - A humanoid figure

Now that you can work with wire and paper, we can start building our EXPRESSIVE human-like figure. 
You may work with accurate human proportions OR distort and exaggerate for expressive purposes.

Have a look at these two presentations to get some ideas and some tutorial help.

LINK to Basic Wire figures
LINK to Poses

This rough sketch may help you. It assumes a 16cm figure will fit into a tub and is called the 8-part figure. Remember to leave some wire for the thickened shoulders and hips.
Sketch by Mrs Moore

Criteria - for 25 marks

Construction skill
- no sticky tape, glue or staples used in the construction! [5]

Expression of a character [5]

Innovation / originality [5]

Final surface treatment e.g colour; texture; contrast; 
variety;  [5]

Presentation & effort [5]

Thursday 4 February 2016

Woolworths Design workshops

Our Learner workshop is around the corner if you are interested in attending, please indicate so via email as to how many Educators as well as learners will be attending for the respective workshops. Please can you do so before the 5th of February 2016 for catering purposes.  

Thank you to the schools that have already confirmed attendance.

Please note the : 

·       Learner Workshop will be hosted at VEGA in Umhlanga on the 13th of February 2016 from 9am-1pm.

Please see the speakers and topics that will be discussed on the morning :

·        Robin Opperman - Planning Project Execution to meet Deadlines
·        Neith Moore - Practicing Processes
·        Rob Mills - Teamwork and Feedback
·        Nicholas Criticos – Head of Woolworths Store Design

Please make sure the learners that are attending produce their indemnity form as this will allow them access at the venue. Please may they also carry with them a notepad and pen.

Please may all learners attending wear their school uniform for the workshop.

Adobe Creativity Scholarships

For the Grade 12s .....

I have broken down this application process into easily manageable steps.

Step 1: This weekend, put together a series of photos (a 'photo essay' of +/- 10 photos) on yourself (not your work!). Think carefully about the subject matter and composition of these photos. Share these with me for discussion.

See posts to follow about the next steps.

The Adobe Creativity Scholarships program is open to AYV alumni and past finalists of the AYV/Adobe Aspire Awards who will be entering their first or second year of college/university during the 2016-17 academic year. Further information can be found at http://www.iie.org/en/Programs/Adobe-Creativity-Scholarships.

I welcome you to view these videos about some of the students who have received the scholarship in the past:

Please feel free to contact us at AdobeScholarship@iie.org with any questions about the scholarship or the eligibility requirements.

Best regards,

Adobe Creativity Scholarships
Institute of International Education (IIE)
530 Bush Street, Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone +1.415.362.6520 x273 | Fax +1.415.392.4667

Addis Ababa | Bangkok | Beijing | Budapest | Cairo | Chicago | Denver | Hanoi | Hong Kong | Houston | Jakarta | Kyiv | Mexico City | Moscow | New Delhi | New York | San Francisco | Washington

Saturday 30 January 2016

This drawing/painting/sculpture by Karen Anderson looks like a wonderful new mixed media technique to try out.

“Nesting Fleecebox”
drawing: gouache, acrylic and graphite on paper 30×30″ 2008

sculpture: charred paper, bronze wire, acrylic, black birch branches, sheep’s fleece. 34x27x12″ 2008.
©2014 Karen Rand Anderson

LINK to her blog

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Grade 12 2016 Fragility Final

For the Grade 12s......

You have completed your sourcebooks and done your self-evaluation of them. LINK

The deadline for the Final work is Monday 22nd February. This means that the work is delivered on this day - not that you finish it on this day!

We will start on the new brief - PAT2  - on the 22nd Feb.

Wire and paper sculpture - 'Fragility'
Giacometti - 'Woman with her throat cut'
- 1932  bronze