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Tuesday 17 February 2015

Deborah Bell - Art influenced by Africa

For my Grade 12s ..........
‘South African artists influenced by African and/or indigenous art forms ’

Deborah Bell's belief system places her very firmly in an African world view. She believes that she is part of those who have gone before.

She says of her images .....
"It is as if I made them before: as if I had been them before."

Her Journey Pot IV is a good example for this theme.

Journey Pot IV 1999

Link to my presentation

Link to my Nesta Nala infographic 

- Nala is a traditional Zulu ceramic artist.

Construct your own infographic on this information, using the guidelines you learnt last year. You will need about 300 words divided into chunks. (+/- 5 chunks) You will also need extra diagrams and colour sketches.
Suggested chunks:

  • Illustrated Data 
  • Intention about Africa & Influences from Africa
  • Materials and techniques of Africa
  • Some elements and principles emphasizing the African connection! 
  • Symbolism influenced by Africa
You may like to answer these questions in your chunks.....
1.How does this pot improve the status of women?
2.Discuss the sacred and social nature of pots in South Africa.
3.How does this pot both recognize the past  and stand for the future?
4.How are these materials used?
Terracotta (kiln & pit fired); 
Fat & wax; Charcoal; Wire; Graphite; Kiln cement

5.How does this differ from Nala’s use of some of these materials?

Shining through the Shadows (1999) is another example of Bell's work that you could use.
Shining through the Shadows 1999

Use the suggestions for chunks found above. Do you think print-making lends itself to African imagery, or are ceramics more directly 'African'?