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Monday 18 August 2014

Revision - Trials 2014

For my Grade 12s .............


Magwood -Fraser

Let's concentrate on our collection of chosen artworks that are good examples for the themes we have studied in class. 

Dust off your infographics, grab some Post-it notes - we're going for 100% for your upcoming theory exam!


Order your CD collection or put the collection on your flash. However, your infographics should already have all the content you need. 

Look at the Exemplar and its Memo on the DoE website - it gives you valuable information. This site works for all your subjects - not just Visual Arts.......LINK

Theme 2  - Artists influenced by Africa

Examples and links....
Bell - Journey Pot
kaMkame - Ancestral Spirits
Mapungubwe architects

Theme 3 - Art & Politics
Examples and links.... 
Willie Bester - The Chair
Brett Murray - The Spear
Alexander - Butcher Boys

Theme 5 - Multi Media
Examples and links.... 
Doung - Warwick intervention - Gazebo
Dunywa - Ufunani kimi? - performance art
Botha - Afrikaner c. 1600

Theme 6 - Post-democratic identity

Examples and links.... 
kaMkame - Letters of home
Chandler - Wounded Tread ....
Churchill Madikida - Struggles of the Heart 2003

Theme 7  - Art & Gender Issues

Examples and links.... 
Magwood-Fraser - any of two pieces
Alexander - Oh yes Girl
Siopis - Dora and the Other woman

Monday 4 August 2014

Gender Issues - STRIPPED (‘OH YES’ GIRL) 1995 - Jane Alexander

Have a look at this presentation made available by Westville Girls' High.

Link ........ Jane Alexander from WGHS

You could make an infographic for 10 marks about this work -  


Plagiarism & Transformation

This is found in the 2014 Grade 12 Final Exam paper!

How can you 'transform' visual source material from the media if you need to use it?

Some ideas......
  • Use the visual reference as an idea & take your own photo with a model
  • Combine images as your own collage (Photoshop or scissors & glue)
  • Re-draw using imaginative extras from other visual sources
Can you think of any other ways to share?