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Monday 15 October 2012

Art & Politics

For my Grade 11s and 12s .......

Trouble in China
....read the link from The Day

1 comment:

  1. The following banned artists statement reflects the power of banned art...MANNHEIM, Germany, April 24, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- "I suppose it should be regarded as a badge of honor to be banned for making art about political freedom," said Simon Raab (www.simonraabgallery.com) upon hearing that his work had been banned in China. "I am disappointed that the Beijing show was canceled but also fascinated by the irony. Why did the Communist Party that manages the lives of 1.3 billion people and the world's largest standing army, find my work threatening? Perhaps all artists should be gratified that their work -- popular or not -- has the power to threaten the status quo. The success of China's economic capitalism is not matched by their capitalism of ideas."
