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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Foreshortening and chiaroscuro

Late Renaissance (Mannerism)
The Entombment of Christ

Drawing a form in a foreshortened position will create a strong illusion of space, and is an important strategy to master.
Foreshortened images LINK

Using the strategy of 'chiaroscuro' will emphasize the illusion of 3-D form, and will also seem to put the form into a deep 'psychological' space.
Note: the background must be very dark for maximum impact.
Chiaroscuro drawing LINK


Use the printed transparency grid to draw a foreshortened part of the human body. 
Draw the squares on your paper as big as you can.

Use graphite powder and a 6B to set up the darks around the form and only then start working into the form with a 2B pencil. 

Remember to maintain the huge contrast between the darks and lights which is the hallmark of CHIAROSCURO.

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