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Monday 27 October 2014

Grade 11 Visual Literacy Exemplar

For my Grade 11s ........
Degas - The Absinthe Drinker
Have a look at the structure of your final paper this year. This will help you to organize your revision and brush up on your critical thinking skills BEFORE the exam.
The INSTRUCTIONS will also help you.

Question 1: Art & Politics  
How do artists portray political leaders? [20 marks]
TWO questions on unseen artworks @ 4 marks = 8
ONE question on a seen South African artwork @ 6 marks = 6
ONE question on the BBC DVD 'How Art made the World' artwork @ 6 marks = 6
N.B. length of answers???

Question 2: Art & Politics   
How do artists portray soldiers? [20 marks]
TWO questions on unseen artworks @ 4 marks = 8
TWO questions on studied artworks (one South African and one International @ 6 marks = 12
N.B. length of answers???

Question 3: Art & Politics
How do artists portray citizens? [10 marks]
Politics is about the power structures of a nation’s government as well as the impact of leadership on the nation’s citizens. Read the extracts, look at the illustrations and answer the questions.
All short questions (between 2 & 4 marks each)

Question 4: Gender issues
Neoclassicism; Romanticism; Realism;  [20 marks]

4.1 Unseen painting (8 marks)
Read the extract, look at the illustration and answer the questions below
Write and draw on the question paper…....
Short questions and an activity.

4.2 Essay -  at least 1 page (12 marks)
TWO studied examples - relate to women?

Question 5:  [30 marks] Gender issues
Impressionism; Post-impressionism; Expressionism

5.1 Studied examples - essay (10 marks)

5.2 Unseen short questions (8 marks)
(between 2 & 3 marks each)

5.3 Research essay on project (12 marks)
During Term 3 you worked on a research project called ‘Women through the Ages - an introduction to Gender Issues’.
Now choose TWO of the artworks you investigated , but which have NOT been discussed previously in this paper. You may use work from any time or place.(e.g. Grade 10 work)

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